Good or Bad?

If the devil uses good things for evil, do you think God can use evil things for good? Religious prejudice has labeled many things as evil: dancing, playing cards, the game of pool, theaters, bowling alleys, jewelry, sweets, and even money. Books like The Da Vinci Code, Harry Potter, and The Chronicles of Narnia have been condemned. Christmas trees are bad because they were used in idolatry and sexual sins. Some say Santa is bad. So are Christmas lights. Because of its commercialism, some say we sin by even celebrating the holiday. Is a pipe wrench good or bad? It’s good for fixing a leaking pipe, but it’s bad when used as a weapon to kill someone. The same is true for guns and knives. Apart from their perceived use, things are just things. So the perception and their intended use is what makes them good or bad. I think the song “Big Rock Candy,” which encourages drug use, has wonderful lyrics if a mother singing those words gives her baby peace and rest. On the other hand, singing “Rockabye Baby” might be bad if it created insecurity and the fear of falling when the bough breaks. Who thinks winning millions in the lottery wouldn’t be good? Then I could have riches beyond my dreams. While that might look good to me, could it be bad? Jesus said it’s next to impossible for a rich person to make it to Heaven. Maybe I should be content with what God provides each day. And be thankful. After Joseph in Egypt saw how God had used evil circumstances to put him in a position to save the world, he could tell his murderous brothers, “You meant it for evil, but God meant it for good.” God makes a habit of using evil for good. He does it all the time. If I can’t see the good God has for me, I need assurance that God will use the evil for good. The apostle Paul told Christians that God would supply their needs. They needed that assurance because it didn’t always seem that way. He told the first-century Christians in Rome that they didn’t have to worry about persecution, crucifixion, or being eaten by lions. Why? Because all the bad things will be good if we love the Lord and are working to see his purpose fulfilled. All those who love God and are working to fulfill his purpose should know that all things will work together for good. Out of his glorious resources in Christ Jesus, my God will take care of everything you need. Our God and Father is worthy of all the praise and glory forever. Absolutely! — Romans 8:28; Philippians 4:19-20, The Discussion Bible