Egg Hunt

We need help. Most people know that and aren’t embarrassed in asking for it, especially from a spouse.
“Remind me,” the wife said. “When we get to the grocery store, I need to buy eggs.”
Down the far aisle, the husband found the chips. In the frozen foods aisle, he picked up strawberry, and peaches and cream ice cream, his favorites.
On the drive home, the wife said, “We didn’t get eggs. Why didn’t you remind me?”
The next morning, the husband had oatmeal with raisins for breakfast—the penalty for not reminding his wife.
Jesus said we didn’t have to worry about God taking care of our needs. If he took care of the flowers in the fields, he would take care of us (Matthew 6:28–29). He sees every sparrow that falls, and we’re worth a lot more than that, so we can be sure he’ll watch over us (Matthew 10:29). The apostle Paul speaks of the lavish nature of God’s care, saying, “Out of his glorious resources in Christ Jesus, my God will take care of everything you need” (Philippians 4:19 FB).
Is it important to remind God that he should take care of us, or will he do that without our asking? Should we pray to let God know how we want to be served, as if he doesn’t already know? Or should we be content with whatever God puts on our table?