The Most Beautiful Colors

Black Lives Matter is a huge topic these days. Is one color supposed to be better than another? God made all the colors. I grew up with no racial prejudice, not because of my white culture but because of a song I learned as a toddler, which described God’s gift of color. Red, yellow, black, […]

Final Choice

Some people say a loving God would never allow evil in the world. Others say it’s the devil’s fault. Or it must be our fault. Who is right? God said, “Don’t do it.” Adam was told not to eat of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Eve was told she would die if […]

Final Choice new

Some people say a loving God would never allow evil in the world. Others say it’s the devil’s fault. Or it must be our fault. Who is right? God said, “Don’t do it.” Adam was told not to eat of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Eve was told she would die if […]

Sin City

Mentioning Sin City brings the city of Las Vegas to mind, as if that’s the ideal place to go if you want to enjoy the pleasures of sin. But do you really have to travel that far? Save your money. Sin is available everywhere—in your city, on the Internet, even at church. You can find […]

Qualified Counselors

Studies have shown that Christian counselors are no more effective than non-Christian counselors. Why? Perhaps it’s because they use the same counseling methods. There is a better way. The interesting thing about that study is the discovery of what really does work. It works better than professional counseling. What is that? Having Christian friends who […]

The Sovereignty of God

If the creator of our world has the knowledge and power to eliminate suffering, evil, and death, why doesn’t he do it? We are told to trust him—that we can walk through the valley of the shadow of death without fear. How is that working out for you? By allowing evil, God appears to be […]


The common definition of integrity is doing what is right when nobody is looking. Why does it matter if someone is looking? People will steal if they think they can get away with it. Surveys say that’s true, and I agree. A good alarm system is no deterrent for thieves who believe they can get […]

Timmy’s Time Out

Stories excite people because of what went wrong, not what went right. If we’re willing to expose our faults and failures, our experiences will draw interest and help others avoid the same plight. Timmy slipped out of the house through his bedroom window. He said to his dog, Shep, tagging along, “Mom said I have […]

Follow the Leader

Even a GPS can lead us the wrong way. What we see on the news and read on the Internet isn’t always true. When we need direction, whom can we trust? Learn from the leader’s mistakes. Jesus said, “When the blind lead the blind, they both fall into the ditch.” Can the leader be blind? […]

God Is Love

“God is love” is a common saying, but do we really know what it means? Everybody hungers for love. Before I knew God, I couldn’t imagine what his love was like. As each year passed and I got to know him better, my understanding of the glory and power of his love improved, making me […]

Carefully Crafted

Create the perfect pattern, and then make everything like it. With dies and molds, we shape the parts that make our cars. By what pattern are the best people made? Beauty isn’t a photoshopped image. Cosmetics is fast becoming a trillion-dollar industry as we try to meet beauty standards. Advertisers select an image to strive […]

The Happiness Process

If our pain and suffering were not important, wouldn’t God just take us to where we will spend all of eternity? He could do that if he wanted to. Could the earthly process be as important as the heavenly prize? Happiness can be elusive. To be happy, all I have to do is be content […]

Danger: Stress Ahead

How long should I allow stress to keep me from enjoying life? Can I do something before it ruins my health as well? Either kill the stress or be killed by it. People work under stress all day, leave for home to face a different kind of stress, then go on a dream vacation to […]

Equal Pay

When we’re working for the Lord, does he sign our paychecks? If so, how much does he pay? “Give to get” doesn’t always work. Jesus gave us a Kingdom principle when he said, “Give and it will be given unto you” (Luke 6:38). Television evangelists sometimes interpret that to say I will gain much more […]

The Doctor Is In

When people are sick, they go to the doctor, seeking relief. What do we do if the diagnosis is wrong and the remedies don’t keep us from dying? Tell the doctor where it hurts. Back in the 1950s, we didn’t have all the scientific tests and medical miracles of today. People seldom knew why they […]

Santa Claus

Preaching that says, “God wants to give us all we want,” gives me great sorrow. Why? Unless we have truly surrendered all our wants and want nothing other than whatever he wants, that’s a lie that leads us to some very wrong conclusions about our pain and suffering. I believe this is the correct translation […]

Roaring Lambs

Satan roams Earth like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. To avoid being eaten, should the lambs who follow the Lion of the Tribe of Judah roar too? In 58 AD, during the reign of Nero, the apostle Paul wrote his longest letter in our New Testament to the Romans. This might seem […]

Apples and Oranges

Why do people compare themselves with others? I’d be foolish to keep score on something that doesn’t matter. Everyone has unique needs for different destinies. Comparing myself to anyone else is like an apple looking at an orange and saying, “I’m better because I’m an apple” or “I’m worse because I’m not an orange.” I […]

Good Works

Many Christians expect to be in Heaven because they are “basically good,” as if they are not doing so many bad things that they would be destined for Hell. Assuming works are important, what kind of works qualify? Heaven has a different standard for greatness. On Earth, the greatest are those who have the most […]

Prison Bars

When Jesus came to set captives free, he came for you and me, not just the people who were staring out through prison bars. Does a prisoner always know what it’s like to be free? I could be bound and not know it. Jesus said, “I have come that you might have life, and have […]

Positive Danger

Believe and your dreams will come true. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if positive thinking worked all the time? What should we do if it doesn’t? Keep on believing. Keeping the faith is especially true for Christians. Aren’t we told that all things are possible for those who believe (Mark 10:27)? Unbelief is bad, even sinful, […]

Christmas Treasure

On Christmas Eve, Johnny found the latest edition of the Montgomery Ward catalog, which was thick and heavy enough to use as a door stop. He passed the black-and-white newsprint pages and found the glossy color pictures of toys that he knew were too expensive. But he could still dream. He dreaded going back to […]

The Perfect Plan

Our society believes in vision. I must set lofty goals. Plan my work and work my plan, they say. Will that guarantee my success? Believing isn’t enough. Last year, hundreds of thousands of businesses and individuals filed for bankruptcy. Yet every one of them had success as a goal. So much for belief in just […]

Imaginary Friend

René Descarte is known for saying, “I think. Therefore, I am.” What we think defines the reality of our environment. We believe what we see with our minds. But is that real or a product of our imagination? We were born with vivid imaginations. That’s true for everybody. It’s part of our God-given skill to […]

Broken Promises

Does God always keep his promises? If he does, people might have reason to fear. God’s blessings have conditions. These days, I seldom hear a preacher talk about God’s promises of judgment. Maybe that idea is difficult to sell. I know I’d rather hear about all the good things. Do I really want to hear […]

Check Your Pulse

I do many things on impulse, without thinking. Can I overthink a situation? Maybe my first thought is correct. On the other hand, what if my belief is wrong? Our pulse reveals heart health. I think I’m doing fine—until I find out I’m not. I can’t count the number of costly times when I was […]

The Magic Lamp

Just believe. That’s all I need for the magic to happen. Those words from the great encouragers sounded so good when I was a kid. Were they right? If a genie could grant one wish, what would it be? “Frankie,” Grampa said, “what do you want to be when you grow up?” “A farmer,” I […]

Hearing Aid

I’ve heard people say, “God never talks to me.” Is that because God isn’t talking? Or is it because they have a hearing problem? Hearing is different from listening. My mother used to say I had “convenient” hearing. I was hearing what I wanted to hear and ignoring the rest as if it didn’t exist. […]

One Essential Part

At two years old, I loved putting together picture puzzles. If only the puzzles of life would fit together so easily. At first, the puzzles were simple. I quickly learned about color and shape. Pieces with a straight side belonged along the edge. With adjacent straight sides, the piece went on a corner. Light blue […]

God’s Greatest Miracle

When I was young and thought I was smart, I prayed to be a miracle. I wanted God’s glory to be revealed in my life. Then I realized how dangerous such a prayer was. To be a miracle, I would have to suffer some dire need. I didn’t like that suffering part, so I did […]

Walking a Tightrope

Daredevils take risks that can be fatal, but playing safe all the time is a boring way to live. If we discover the best path to walk, we can get there without the fear of falling. Daredevils don’t take dares. They give them instead, by going first, daring others to follow. Curiosity and seeking pleasure […]

Legal Immigrant

Many jokes have been written about what is required to pass the pearly gates and enter the Kingdom of Heaven. If there really is a condition for admission, and I miss it, then I won’t be laughing, will I? Words without actions are worthless. Jesus said it isn’t enough to profess him as Lord (Matthew […]


In sports, I often cheer for the underdog, wanting the little guys to defeat the giants. I want the weak to overcome the strong. If I don’t care about the opponents, and the contest is nothing more than a game, why do I passionately root for the underdog, who has virtually no chance of winning? […]

Prayer for Salvation

Five dollars and reciting the “sinner’s prayer” will buy a cup of coffee. It won’t buy salvation, so I’m bothered when preachers say, “If you said those simple words, you’ve been born again.” Maybe—or maybe not. What magic words will save us from Hell and open the gates of Heaven? Salvation has conditions. Jesus said […]

Connect the Dots

As a child, I was given blank pages with a scattering of numbered dots. I drew a line from one dot to the next until I could see the mystery picture. Today, when I have trouble answering questions about life, I often pray, “Lord, if you would number the dots, then I could connect them […]

The Lost Key

When searching, do I know what I’m looking for? If so, where do I look? Will I recognize it when I see it? I could be looking for diamonds and throw away a dirty, misshapen million-dollar rock. The interior of the three-year-old custom van still smelled new. After completing the purchase, I got a single, […]

The Fine Print

I’ve learned the hard way. Before I sign a contract, I must be sure I know what I’m agreeing to. Even a comma can change the meaning, so I must read carefully. I may need a magnifying glass. My old eyes don’t focus as well as they used to. The fine print is too small […]

Uncle Charlie

When Susie was a toddler, she didn’t understand relationships and kept calling her grandfather, “Unkly Chili.” Ever since, no matter what the relationship was, people always called him Uncle Charlie.


When I heard someone say, “Everybody wants security,” I had to ask why that was not a concern for me. I love adventure and don’t mind taking risks. Not foolish risks, mind you, but I’m not going to hide in my house for fear of venturing out. Fenced-in people can feel insecure. On an unfenced […]

Looking Ahead

We fall down the stairs by focusing on the goal and miscalculating the next step. So which is more important, the goal or the next step? Careful, don’t fall. I’ve fallen down the stairs more times than I care to count. Hang on to the hand rail, I tell myself. Don’t carry boxes so big […]

The Write Story

Without beginning, you can’t reach the end. Garrison Keillor once said we don’t know how to tell a story until after we’ve told it a dozen times. That was saying I must start somewhere, allowing myself to do poorly so often that I can soon do very well. Being a novice is normal. As a […]

The Prayer of Jabez

Prior to the year 2000, few people had ever heard of Jabez. But after The Prayer of Jabez book became a bestseller, almost all Christians had heard of him. Why did his prayer become so popular? Jabez prayed simple but compelling words. “Oh, that you would bless me and enlarge my territory! Let your hand […]

Never Walk Alone

Few people have what they would call a “best” friend, someone who understands them completely and appreciates their value. Those who have such a friend may still risk being “unfriended.” When we’re feeling alone, what can we do? Our choice of friends is limited. To have friends, we need to be friendly. The Bible tells […]

A Good Investment

High-risk investments are made with the hope for a greater return. If we forgive an offense, what will we get in return? Maybe nothing. Or maybe the life we save will be our own. In the Old Days, online stores didn’t exist. From the day Jess opened his country store, he earned huge profits because […]

The Value of Discussion

My mother used to say, “People convinced against their will are of the same opinion still.” What did she mean by that? Maybe that’s a good topic for discussion. Being courteous, people may nod as if they agree, but they really don’t. Everyone has a worldview that is dearly held as absolute truth. Why? Because […]

Prayer Believing

Some think prayer doesn’t matter, because God will do what he wants, anyway. Others pray and nothing happens, so they assume either God doesn’t care or he isn’t listening. What makes a prayer worth saying? Without faith, there’s no need to pray. Faith is more than believing. Since the devils believe and tremble (James 2:19), […]

White Lies

People only tell lies when they think it’s to their advantage. We offer social courtesies because saying what we really think might get us unfriended. Doctors will sometimes slant their prognosis toward what the patient wants to hear. Those who don’t want to take the blame might lie about their involvement. When does the white […]

Nowhere to Hide

Children naturally learn to play hide-and-seek. When they hide too well and can’t be found, the fun is lost. They want to be found. Why do adults want to hide but can’t? Being the pastor’s son meant I had to behave. On the front hardwood pew by myself, I couldn’t talk. I couldn’t draw pictures […]

Just Ask

What if a Christian doctrine was based on a misinterpretation of just one verse? Out of over 23,000 verses, that’s not even half of 1 percent. That just  couldn’t be important, could it? Maybe. All we need to do is ask. Sometimes I hear Christians say, “We have not because we ask not,” which comes […]

Murphy’s Law

Whatever can go wrong will go wrong. Is that true? Wouldn’t it be nice if everything that went wrong would actually wind up right? Joseph couldn’t conceal his brothers’ evil deeds, or he would have shared their guilt. So he had to tell his father what they had done. But that good deed turned bad […]