Remember Me

When Jesus ate supper with the disciples before he was arrested, he broke the bread and passed the cup, saying, “This bread is my body. The wine is my blood. Every time you eat bread or wine, remember me.” He associated an everyday practice with remembering him.
Because I am so easily distracted, I sometimes fail to realize how present and close God is. David said, “He sees everything I do and even knows my thoughts.” But unless I recognize that reality, the effect on my motives and actions is as if he wasn’t there.
Peter had a good reminder, maybe one he wished he didn’t have. All his life, he had heard the roosters crowing before dawn, which only meant the day was about to begin. But after he had denied the Lord three times and wept bitterly, each rooster’s crowing led him to think about God’s love, mercy, and forgiveness.
By what means can I remember what the Lord has done for me? I glance at my watch and know the time is short. Paying attention to nature, I am awed by the might and power of my Creator. In seeing a car accident, I think of the many times I might have died, and I’m reminded of God’s purpose for my life.
If Christ is really important to us, shouldn’t we work at remembering?