Puzzle Mania

Long before I started kindergarten, I was working picture puzzles. How fast could I put one together? As I became familiar with the pieces and the picture, I could work the same puzzle faster and faster.“These are too easy,” I said. So Daddy got one with a hundred pieces. Before long, I graduated to 250 […]

Making the Grade

Good grades were important, but American History was not. I didn’t care about the Battle of Shiloh or who the sixteenth US president was. I needed only to remember the names, dates, and places long enough to ace the test, not actually learn the stuff. How could I do that most easily?On the day of […]

Holy Is His Name

In church worship, I am singing, “Holy is his name,” with a thousand other people, some with their hands raised, others with bowed heads, and one who isn’t restraining her tears. A few are looking around as if they’d rather be somewhere else. Why? The words are on the screen, and the music is easy […]

Keep Digging

When I was four years old, I learned in kindergarten that Earth was like a ball. America was on one side, China on the other. That evening at a friend’s house, I explained the amazing facts I had learned that day. “The teacher said, if we started digging straight down, we’ll eventually reach China.” “Let’s […]