
Of all the holidays, this is my favorite. Halloween is over, thank God, and Christmas is just around the corner. As a kid, I was thankful for no school and lots of food. Years later, it was watching great football and lots of food. Then it was having all the families together and lots of […]

Up and Down

In the 1940s, we didn’t have Interstates that cut through the hills and raised the valleys. The roads went up and down like waves on the high seas. I loved the weightless feel when Daddy drove down a gravel road and crested a hill at almost fifty miles per hour. Roller coasters are even more […]

Hearing God’s Voice

My mother used to say I had “convenient hearing.” She thought I was only hearing what I wanted to hear, ignoring the rest. I’m sure she was right some of the time, but not always. In school, I learned to concentrate, to mentally close out the world, hearing no external sounds, aware of no movement […]

The Lies We Believe

One of the most self-revealing class series I’ve taught in church was based on the book The Lies We Believe by Dr. Chris Thurman. That’s because everything I believe is my “truth.” Put another way, if I believed a lie, how would I know? Absurd as it might sound (and yes, my view was self-centered […]