Remember Me

When Jesus ate supper with the disciples before he was arrested, he broke the bread and passed the cup, saying, “This bread is my body. The wine is my blood. Every time you eat bread or wine, remember me.” He associated an everyday practice with remembering him. Because I am so easily distracted, I sometimes […]

Writing Proverbs

The technical term is aphorism, a short saying that expresses a generally understood truth. Whether we call them proverbs, sayings, truisms, or maxims, their impact comes from being short, catchy, and easy to remember. Our Bible contains an entire book of proverbs. The Israelites had a common saying: “The fathers have eaten sour grapes, and […]

It’s Not about Me

Years ago, I read The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren. It’s pretty hard to dispute what he has to say, because he keeps quoting the Bible to substantiate his points. As I recall, he has a whole chapter titled “It’s Not about You.” That message can be quite a shock to my self-centered, self-serving […]

Lost and Found

Ken had lost his glasses. He looked everywhere, in the living room, the bedroom, the bathroom, even on the tool bench in the garage. “They have to be somewhere around here,” he said. Barbie, his wife, had a look of helpful concern. “Where did you have them last?” Right, as if that question would help. […]

Power Switch

I flipped the switch on my vacuum cleaner and nothing happened. What was wrong? Evidently, the switch was broken. I pushed the switch off and back on, harder this time. Still nothing. Then I noticed the problem. The cord wasn’t plugged in. Problems are impossible to solve when you’re looking for the solution in the […]